
How Listening to Your Body Will Get You Out of Overwhelm

Last week I shared with you how many of my coaching clients are in overwhelm when they first come to work with me.

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, then you’re not alone.

But have you ever considered the impact that this constant overwhelm and stress has on your body?

It makes your muscles tense…hard. And that can get bad for you.

The constant muscle tension leads to stomach and heart issues. A surge of hormones will throw your body into a constant state of flight or flight.

Your adrenals will shut down, and then you will get sick.

You’ll feel tired all the time because it’s as though you are running for your life… running from the modern-day stress tigers.

So, I want you to ask yourself this:

When was the last time you listened to your body? I mean REALLY listened to it?

Because when you start to notice how your body reacts to different situations, you can start to work with it and overcome your stress more easily. I recorded a live video on this subject, and I invite you to watch it below. Especially if you are feeling overwhelmed. Click here

In the video, I share some simple techniques that I normally only share with my private clients. These techniques will help you deal with the overwhelm. How overwhelmed are you feeling in your life? Click here to send me an email and share your experiences.

And watch the video to see if you can turn off the switch of overwhelm and change that to a feeling of peace, safety and calm.

With much love, peace and healing,


P.S. If you’d like to learn more watch the video below or get in touch with me:

Watch this training to learn even more!

If you’re interested in working with me, virtually or through a treatment intensive, email me here: phaedra@paintreatmentsthatwork.com