
Your Healing Journey Starts Here…

Discover How You Can Eliminate Your Pain Permanently With Transformational Healing

Have you been in pain for a really long time? Does your life feel like it’s on hold because you hurt so much? Maybe you’ve been to doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors and tried medications but nothing works… or perhaps you’re so exhausted you feel stuck.

If that sounds like you, you’re not alone, and the good news is, it doesn’t have to stay that way. There is hope. You can get better even if you don’t think you can.

We work with men, women and children who may be experiencing a range of physical issues, emotional conditions and lifestyle challenges, including the following:

  • Chronic back, neck and shoulder pain
  • Osteoarthritis pain
  • Inflammation
  • Herniated discs
  • Complications with surgeries
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Exhaustion and chronic fatigue
  • Stress
  • Abdominal pain
  • Recovery from surgery/scar tissue
  • Repetitive strain injuries (RSI)
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Injuries from car accidents
  • Vertigo
  • Neurological conditions
  • and more even those weird, stubborn injuries and pain you have no idea what to do about.

At Live My Life Pain Free, we’re passionate about transforming your life by assisting you to heal your pain and live a joyful life.

We don’t just treat the symptoms. We investigate the hidden traumatic events causing your pain and then eliminate the trauma blocks.

Most importantly, we focus on resolving the root causes of your pain, so you can feel free and unburdened to live the life you want.

This means, instead of just cutting the grass at the surface level, we search for the weeds and pull out the roots, so they never grow back.

It’s Time to Stop Being a Prisoner of Your Pain

If you’re stuck with chronic pain and feel like you’ve tried everything, then now is the time to discover the strategies to eliminate your pain finally.

You are not alone on this healing journey.  Phaedra has been there in her own pain and has helped thousands of others overcome it.

Although she was a successful Occupational Therapist and online Coach, it wasn’t until she became a patient, following her traumatic car accident, that she could truly relate and feel what her patients were going through.

Not only does she feel your pain, fear, trauma and stress, but she also provides a holistic, natural pain relief approach that will transform your body and mind, so you can start living again!

That’s why Phaedra takes on the most challenging cases, worldwide by providing online coaching. She works with people who have tried everything and are committed to getting results.

When you work with Phaedra, she will help you put the pieces of your pain puzzle together so too can improve your quality of life.

What’s more, you will learn to heal from the inside out by integrating your mind and body so you can treat yourself in the future.

Best of all, she will give you the support you need… the support that is often lacking in the traditional medical model.

Now You Can Heal Pain and Finally Let Go of What’s Holding You Back

Imagine what life would be like for you to…

  • Feel more joy, fulfillment and energy
  • Create healing rituals that work, rather than treat your symptoms
  • Finally feel the joy of having freedom from your pain
  • Dance, work, travel, jog, garden, socialize, walk your dog, sleep peacefully, and play with your grandkids with ease and comfort.

This is what Phaedra is passionate about… helping you have a life worth getting out of bed for, by improving your health so you can finally escape the pain and heal.

She does this through her signature coaching programs, which include her “Break Free from Pain System.” A five-step proven process that unlocks the pieces to your pain puzzle. When you understand them, you can begin to put the life you love back together without pain.

Your healing journey starts with these five powerful steps:

#1: Notice What’s Not Working

These will be the stressors that are a direct source of our deepest, persistent emotional and physical pain.

#2: Rewire Your Brain Out of Pain

Shift your mindset with support, guidance, and healthy habits to start to rewire your brain and learn to let go of the pain.

#3: Explore (and Release) Past Trauma

Understand the connection between past trauma and your current pain to take back control of your life. Release past physical, mental, and emotional trauma or injuries you have suffered.

#4: Explore How You Move

How you move, sleep, sit and walk makes a difference to how you can best manage and prevent pain. Learn healthy ways to move your body.

#5: Eat Right and Fight Inflammation

Eating the wrong thing is like throwing fuel on the fire of pain. Putting the right food in your body helps to heal and nourish yourself.

Helping You Achieve Personal Permanent Healing Transformation so You Can Feel Happy, Be Empowered and Get Out of Pain…

Discover what makes up your pain puzzle and finally put your life back together by getting support, guidance, accountability and healing through our three signature coaching programs.

Feeling good has never been easier. Discover all you can be and start your healing journey today. Click on the link below to find out more about our signature Live Life Pain Free programs.

What Some of Our Clients Say…

From Disability to Now Living a Full Life… Jonathan’s Story

“I had been out of work for six years and living on disability due to a car accident, which left me with severe neck pain, which radiated down my arm.

I tried everything Pharmaceutical Drugs, Medical Doctors, Psychiatrists, injections, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors and Physical Therapists, but although I had some relief, the pain always came back.

I came to Phaedra because I wanted to move past my disability and stop replaying the car accident over and over in my mind.

While working with her, she safely took my mind, body and emotions back to the memory of the accident. She helped me renegotiate the trauma of my car accident by completing the flight response, which meant I could move out of the way of the oncoming car.

Now I can drive anywhere I want, and I can turn my head comfortably with no more pain.

My life has changed. Now I live a full life without pain, and I’m not disabled anymore.”  Jonathan

Don’t Suffer In Silence

You’re not alone on your healing journey.

If you treasure your health, then take back control and transform your life. Revitalize your life with more joy and less (or no) pain, today.

We invite you to start today